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QuickBooks® Integration Reference

QuickBooks® Integration Reference

Export Budget


If a customer does not exist with your project’s name, you can create a new Customer, or use an existing QuickBooks customer. If a customer with your project’s name already exists, you will be able to select it from the list of existing customers.

Create a new Customer

This option creates a new customer in QuickBooks using your project’s name. If your QuickBooks company has multicurrency  enabled, you will also need to choose a currency for the customer, which will also be the estimate’s currency.

Use an existing customer

This option allows you to choose a customer from your QuickBooks account.  If your QuickBooks company has multicurrency  enabled, the estimate will be created using the selected customer’s currency.

Email Address

This corresponds to the Email field in a QuickBooks estimate. If you select an existing QuickBooks customer with an email address, this field will be filled automatically.


Tax Code options are applicable if the following conditions are met:

  • Your DesignSpec budget has any percentage-based taxes
  • Your company is not using the US-based version of QuickBooks
  • You have sales tax setup in QuickBooks

If the tax description on your budget exactly matches a tax code from QuickBooks, then the tax will be automatically selected when you export. Otherwise you will need to manually select the desired tax. Thus it’s recommended to use the Autofill button when entering tax on your budget, to select from the list of available taxes in your QuickBooks account.

Items (Specifications)

Specification Categories

The categories that your specifications are assigned to must be associated with corresponding products or services in your QuickBooks account (by the same name). If those categories don’t match any products/services in QuickBooks, you can choose to create a new product/service or select an existing one. Whichever one you select will be applied to  all items that do not have a matching product/service in QuickBooks.

Also, if some of your items do not have a category assigned, then you must choose an existing QuickBooks product/service to match them with. Whichever one you select will be applied to all items that do not have a category assigned.

Estimate Number

If custom estimate numbers are enabled in your QuickBooks account settings, you can set the estimate number when exporting.

Message to Customer

Corresponds to the “Message displayed on estimate” field on the QuickBooks estimate of the

Export Purchase Orders


The account to which the purchase order will be posted. According to QuickBooks requirements, this must be an account whose sub type is “Accounts Payable” and whose classification is “Liability”.


Vendors correspond to vendors or suppliers in QuickBooks (locale-dependent). If a purchase order’s vendor does not exist in QuickBooks, you will have the option to create a vendor, or use an existing QuickBooks vendor.

Create new vendor

Creates a new vendor using a purchase order vendor’s name.

If exporting multiple purchase orders and multicurrency is enabled on your QuickBooks account , note that the vendors will be created using the currency of the first purchase order that has that vendor. If multiple purchase orders have the same vendor, but different currencies, QuickBooks will not create any purchase orders whose currencies are different from the currency used to create the vendor.

Use an existing QuickBooks vendor

Uses a vendor from your QuickBooks account.

If exporting multiple purchase orders and multicurrency is enabled on your QuickBooks account, note that a purchase order’s currency must match its vendor’s currency. If the purchase orders with unmatched vendors have a currency that’s different from the selected vendor’s, QuickBooks will not create those purchase orders.


The customer associated with the purchase order can be set in the project’s procurement settings.


Shows the currency of your purchase order (individual purchase order export only).

If your QuickBooks company has multicurrency enabled,  DesignSpec will check if the selected purchase orders’ currencies match any currencies in your QuickBooks account (you can use auto-fill when editing a purchase order to enter valid currency codes). If any purchase order has an invalid currency code, it will be listed in a warning message.

Tax Codes

Tax Code options are only applicable to exporting if the following conditions are met:

  • At least one purchase order has any percentage-based taxes
  • Your company is not US-based
  • You have taxes set up

The tax fields are located under the Tax section of the purchase order Details screen.

When exporting, DesignSpec will search for any QuickBooks Tax Codes that have a single Tax Rate that matches (in name and amount) the purchase order’s tax fields (Description and Amount, respectively). Thus it’s recommended to use the Autofill button when entering tax on your purchase orders, to select from the list of available taxes in your QuickBooks account.

Tax will be excluded for any purchase orders exported that don’t have an exact matching tax in QuickBooks.

Non-Taxable Tax Code

0% Tax code for non-taxable elements of a purchase order. For example, purchase orders could have no tax, or have untaxed additional costs.

Additional Costs

The expense account to which the additional costs will be assigned.


Item Categories

Your purchase order items inherit the same category (such as “Furniture”) of the specification from which they were generated. These categories must be associated with corresponding products or services in your QuickBooks account (by the same name).

If the categories don’t match any products/services in QuickBooks, you can choose to create a new product/service, or select an existing one. Whichever one you select will be applied to  all items that do not have a matching product/service in QuickBooks.

Also, if some of your items do not have a category assigned, then you must choose an existing QuickBooks product/service to match them with. Whichever one you select will be applied to all items that do not have a category assigned.

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