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Account Administration


Manage the users in your account.
You can invite other users to join your account, giving them access to all your projects and settings (except billing). An invitation email will be sent to that person, and if they don't have a DesignSpec account already then they will be directed to sign up for one.
Important: When you invite a user to your account, they also have the ability to invite other users in as well. We will very soon be adding permissions that will allow the account owner to determine what areas of DesignSpec other users have access to.
You can remove other users by clicking the red X on the far right of the user name. If you are the account owner then you also have the ability to move account ownership to someone else.
Important: There can only be one account owner, so if you make someone else the account owner, then you will no longer be the account owner.
Next Article:   Billing
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